Work from home, PM tells country

The government is urging people to work from home if their jobs allow it, just weeks after encouraging a return to the workplace.

The change in guidance comes as part of a package of measures aimed at slowing the spread of the Covid-19 virus, cases of which are rising rapidly again in the UK. The Covid alert level was raised earlier in the week from 3 to 4.

Addressing the Commons ahead of a speech to the nation this evening, prime minister Boris Johnson said the country needs to take further steps to avoid “graver consequences” from the pandemic, which he said has reached “a perilous turning point”.

On the topic of working from home, Johnson said: “We are asking office workers who can work from home to do so.” He added that companies at which working from home is not possible, such as construction and retail, can continue to operate as before.

Other restrictions to be introduced in England include a 10pm curfew for pubs and restaurants and table-only service. Face coverings will now be required of staff in retail, taxi users, and staff and customers at indoors hospitality sites. In retail and leisure sites, “Covid-safe” guidelines will become legal obligations. Such restrictions will be in place for the next six months, Johnson said.

Labour leader Keir Starmer supported the moves but said the government’s messaging over working from home has been muddled.

Starmer said: “One day people are encouraged to work in the office – in fact more than encouraged, they were openly challenged by the prime minister for not doing so. Today they’re told the opposite.”

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