Why the next big thing might already be in your business

COMMENT As a business that has been operating for more than a decade, we attract some fantastic, experienced and fresh talent from the market. But we also realise that talent might already be in the business, right in front of us. We need to help unlock it, help our colleagues reach their full potential and most importantly, make sure that they enjoy their role and the work they are doing.

Attracting, uncovering, developing and retaining talent is one of a CEO’s key responsibilities – and one I spend a fair bit of my time on. It’s also an incredibly satisfying and rewarding part of my job. Training is where we to start to uncover hidden talent. If you give people the right tools, knowledge, and exposure, then natural talent can really shine through.

At Octopus we have an entire team dedicated to training. We also have a range of online courses, as well as access to external trainers who regularly run programmes to improve soft skills and specific product knowledge. This can be anything from a session on “how to perform under pressure” with career psychologist Dr Rob Archer, to an external agency view on a real estate market update. We also provide financial support training for relevant qualifications, including master’s degrees.

Our team is dynamic, and we appreciate that when working together, one size does not fit all. That’s why everyone at Octopus Real Estate goes through SDI training – the Strength Deployment Inventory, which identifies personal strengths, motivations and working styles. Colleagues are encouraged to learn what works for them and then share this with their team – allowing us to adjust our ways of working and be flexible to enable greater productivity and strengthen team morale.

Feedback culture

We encourage an active feedback culture, including providing proactive and reactive feedback requests across the business. We focus on both positive and developmental feedback, recognising the important roles that both play in helping people to reach their potential.

We also have several initiatives for encouraging people to recognise their colleagues’ outstanding work. For example, anyone can send a “recognition cheque” to thank someone for going above and beyond, which the recipient can then spend on vouchers. Octopus also runs several internal awards throughout the business and individuals are often celebrated through external industry awards.

Lateral knowledge and moves

Octopus Real Estate benefits from being part of something bigger, Octopus Group, a collection of innovative, entrepreneurial businesses investing in the people, ideas and industries that will help to change the world for the better.

As a group, we have a diverse pool of talent with different backgrounds, experiences and outlooks. Colleagues from other parts of the business often think and work differently. We are able to learn from and to challenge them, while also finding out what works well in their teams and their industries to see where we can improve our team and business outcomes.

Having an open mind to different working styles is important for any individual to grow. Yes, we have our sector knowledge and expertise, but we welcome ideas from other industries too. As a group, lateral moves between businesses are explored with open conversations – the benefits of these moves for the individual and the group are countless. I was one of these lateral moves, moving over from Octopus Investments, where I started my career at Octopus.

We encourage and promote this across the group and understand that it’s far better to retain a talented employee who is interested in a change in the group than lose them. If they do decide to leave because we can’t offer them the role they are craving, then we wish them well – and in some cases welcome them back after a few years, armed with new experiences and a better sense of what really drives and motivates them.

Side projects and career coaching

People don’t always plan their careers; in fact, in my experience most stumble into them, and many keep stumbling along until they retire Also, just because someone is good at their job doesn’t mean it’s their calling or what they are actually best at. Offering side projects, and asking for volunteers, is a powerful way to offer variety to employees and identify latent talent that could be hidden right in front of you. Try it – you might be surprised by what talent you find lurking.

Proactive career conversations are encouraged, and not just with the direct line manager. I make myself available for career conversations with anyone in Octopus Real Estate (and the wider group), while we also have a group-wide mentoring programme where staff are paired with someone in a different part of Octopus. Every member of staff also has access to an external confidential coaching service. This can be used to discuss anything in your professional or personal life, including helping with a plan of action for career progress.

The culture of any company needs to encourage individuals to speak out to challenge and highlight their own hidden talents. This ensures everyone’s skills are being utilised and that all employees enjoy their work and are excited to start every working day.

Benjamin Davis is chief executive of Octopus Real Estate