West End sites revealed as first hubs for Safe Haven app

Real estate companies backing an app that will give refuge to people feeling unsafe while walking through London have revealed the first three buildings linked to the initiative. 

The Safe Haven app offers safe refuge to anyone feeling vulnerable, directing them to the reception areas of a managed building at any time of the day or night.

The first three buildings are in London’s West End – Berkeley Square House, W1; 33 Cavendish Square, W1; and 1 Knightsbridge Green, SW1 – and are all owned by Astrea Asset Management and managed by Colliers.  

Stephanie Handley, head of property management at Astrea Asset Management, hopes the project will be adopted and extended across the UK. She said: “It was important for us to champion something which we felt would make a real difference to the community our buildings operate in and prove a concept would work, so that others would join to expand its reach across London and beyond.”    

The free app was designed and developed by security solutions firm Croma Vigilant and uses a pre-existing 24-hour manned property workforce. “The app is simple to use and once activated it will direct the individual to the nearest Safe Haven location, and at the same time alerts the team within that building that a request for assistance has been made,” said Paul Brady, Croma’s head of operations.

“In addition, there is an SOS provision to provide direct contact with the 101 police emergency centre. Should the individual feel immediately threatened, it will also alert a nominated contact that the alarm has been raised.”

The initiative was created in consultation with Westminster City Council, Safer Business Network, London Metropolitan Police, City of London Police, New West End Company, David Ward Associates, Imabi technology platform and Zinc Systems.  

The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

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