Shoppers and commuters continued their gradual return to the West End last week, despite a surprise government announcement imposing fresh Covid-19 restrictions.
Footfall rose by 3% on the previous week, and by 43% year-on-year in the week commencing 6 December, according to figures compiled by business lobby group the New West End Company.
Sunday saw the biggest boost, with footfall across the West End up by 26% week-on-week, as Christmas shoppers defied concerns over a rapid rise in cases of the Omicron Covid-19 variant.
It comes after prime minister Boris Johnson announced that face masks would be mandatory in most public indoor settings, and said people should go back to working from home where possible, starting today (13 December).
The announcement prompted concerns that the new rules would hit central London especially hard – particularly areas such as the West End with a high concentration of retailers.
Ros Morgan, chief executive of the Heart of London Business Alliance, which represents more than 600 West End businesses, said central London’s economy would be “disproportionately affected” owing to its reliance on office workers and visitors.
However, New West End Company chief executive Jace Tyrell this morning said the solid week of visitor numbers will have “cheered” retail and hospitality owners.
“Retailers will be hoping this can offset some of the impact from the loss of office workers in the vital last full week before Christmas,” he added.
Brian Bickell, chief executive of Shaftesbury, which owns 16 acres of Covent Garden and Seven Dials, last week told EG he had faith that people would continue to spend time in the West End over the festive period. “If [Plan B] avoids a repeat of last year’s lockdowns, it will be worth it,” he said.
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