Voice of the Region: Brighton – the Eightfold path

LISTEN: Brighton’s reputation as a home of the cool and the quirky – with a little help from more flexible Class E provisions – has helped the south coast city remain buoyant through turbulent times, according to Eightfold commercial property director Max Pollock.

Eightfold currently sits at the top of the Radius On Demand Rankings for lettings and occupational sales across Brighton. It has disposed of 50,395 sq ft across 34 deals so far in 2023, which is more than any other agent on both counts.

Speaking on the latest Voice of the Region podcast, Pollock said Brighton’s office and retail markets are thriving thanks to its independent ethos and its strength as a place for start-up businesses. As such, he believes recently announced plans by the city’s council to create large grade-A office spaces overlook what Brighton does best.

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