Midlands universities deemed ‘development catalysts’

MSAF student accommodation, Birmingham

MIPIM 2016: Midlands universities will be an integral part of ongoing city centre redevelopment, delegates at MIPIM heard today.

Panellists in the “Best in Class: The Impact of Higher Education on Urban Regeneration” debate agreed that universities are an essential catalyst and anchor for regeneration and development, and should work closely with the local town to foster development.

Martin Reeves, chief executive of Coventry City Council, said the key priority for universities was to anchor investment, and that the fabric of Coventry was being reframed in part with the university.

“We have done our masterplan to lift the regeneration of the city centre, and that’s hand in glove with the university,” he said.

Cliff Allen, vice-chancellor of Birmingham City University, said there were now 50,000 students across the various university campuses in Birmingham, which he described as an important constellation of education and training.

“What we are trying to do is create spaces which allow people to connect, business as well as academics,” he said.

Jackie Dunne, vice-chancellor of the University of Wolverhampton, said that her university was also actively talking to employers to create a range of positions on site.

“We are working with the council and others to bring together strands of architectures, construction and the built environment to work together,” she said.

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