The pint of milk test: Barking mixed-use dev gets planning approval

Pint-of-milk-test-bannerJoint venture partners Benson Elliot and Londonewcastle have won planning approval for a major mixed-use redevelopment in Barking. The current shopping centre that lies in the centre of the town and opposite Barking train station will make way for nearly 300,000 sq ft of new retail space, along with 855 homes.


A number of towers are proposed above the new shopping mall, the highest reaching 36 storeys. A 150-bedroom hotel, over 50,000 sq ft of leisure and cinema space, and a new three-form primary school are also part of the plans.

The plans supersede a previous consent for a 27-storey tower on top of the existing shopping mall for 231 homes and 14,000 sq ft of retail. Benson Elliot acquired the site from Lagmar for £35m in 2015.

Studio Egret West are the architects on the scheme.

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