Royal Docks gets delivery team to attract investment

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has announced the creation of a Royal Docks delivery team tasked with exploring ways to attract further investment into the area on the back of the £1.7bn commitment secured by ABP at Royal Albert Dock, E16.

Khan made the announcement at the official “ground breaking” ceremony to celebrate ABP starting construction of the 35-acre site, where 3.5m sq ft of office space is planned.

The team will be established this summer at Newham Council’s offices in the 1000 Building on the north side of the dock.

It will be a joint initiative with the council and will be overseen by the London Economic Action Partnership (LEAP) – the pan-London LEP launched in December which has strategic oversight of London’s only enterprise zone at the Royal Docks. The group will also be tasked with making the area a “fantastic place to live and work”, Khan said.

He continued: “The hope, indeed the expectation, is that from day one, this site will host the unique cluster of businesses which overtime will grow and become a magnate for other Asian and European companies.”

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Picture credit: ©Farrells