Restaurants reduce North/South divide

LISTEN: The days of restaurants just being successful in their own neighbourhoods of either the north or south of England are gone.

Ted Schama, joint managing partner at Shelley Sandzer, said: “In the past there was a North/South divide… but you have seen the success of brands which were previously seen as just southern operators being successful.”

Schama cites Wagamma and Nandos as high street examples, but the company was also responsible for opening Hawksmoor recently in Manchester.

“We have seen this in Trinity Leeds, Newcastle and Liverpool, but in Manchester it has really taken root.”

Sandzer also admitted that in his 25 years in the industry he has never seen the food & beverage market so successful – particularly in London.

“This is the most comprehensive period of growth in terms of rents and units taken, but it has proved to be a robust and resilient sector.”

Sandzer added that he also believes the increase in food delivery operators, such as Deliveroo, are helping the success of the market as the takeaway market grows. “They are only adding to the restaurants turnover rather than taking away from it,” he added.

Click on the player below to listen to an interview with Schama, or head to Estates Gazette’s iTunes channel to download.