Question Time: All the videos from Bristol’s event

The Mary Portas proposals helped bring political will back to the subject of revitalising the High Street, but the horse may have already bolted, accorrding to speakers at the latest Estates Gazette Question Time event.

EG headed to Bristol on 30th March for the South West Question Time chaired by EG editor Damian Wild.

Panellists included John Stacey, asset management director at UK and European Investments, Bonnie Dean, chief executive of Quintain’s Bristol and Bath Science Park, and Paddy Hales, director, UK Investment at Savills.

“Shopping patterns have fundamentally changed,” said Stacey.

“As much as we should encourage regeneration of the High Street, finding the occupiers is going to be the hardest thing and we have to do what we can to facilitate that.”

Panellists also discussed the impact of Enterprise Zones, and what Bristol must do to attract more business and government departments.

The event was sponsored by Savills.

Watch the videos below for a wrap-up of all the audience questions from the day.



The first question comes from Stephen Jones of Western Retail: How does the panel expect Mary Portas’ proposals to impact the High Street?



John Wright from Stride Treglown Architects asks the panel: What must Bristol do to attract more businesses and government departments out of London?



Andrew Hardwick of Williams Gunter Hardwick asks: What impact does the panel expect Enterprise Zones to have and do they agree with their boundaries?



Isobel Shayle of Camargue asks the panel: What impact does the skills gap and graduate unemployment have on the region’s economy?

Will Woodall of Burges Salmon asks: What is Bristol doing to attract more inward investment in green jobs?



Paul Spaven of Tuffin Ferraby Taylor asks: Is Bristol’s isolation from London an advantage or disadvantage for our property market?

Cora Kwiatkowski of Stride Treglown asks: Does local and national government do enough to encourage development?



Bob Durie of Alder King asks: Have we done enough to encourage the development of sport and its facilities in our community?