Property Olympic medallist praises Games legacy

Jones Lang LaSalle consultant and Olympic rowing bronze medallist Alan Campbell is in no doubt that Britain will benefit from the 2012 Games.

Britain’s first single sculls medallist since 1928 said the country will benefit from hosting the 2012 Games, both from a boost to business and from the legacy that has been created at the Olympic Park.

And today, on a visit to JLL’s offices in Warwick Street, W1, he talked about his medal being for everyone in the UK and praised the country’s efforts in hosting the Olympics.

“The Olympics have been really great for Britain,” he said. “It has shown how great a party we can put on and how well this country can organise things.”

Campbell, who broke down in tears as he was presented his medal last Friday, has been living a hectic life since.

Immediately after the medal presentation he was whisked off to meet former Olympic champions including Dame Kelly Holmes and Sally Gunnell as well as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.