Pi Labs assembles expert advisory panel

Pi Labs has assembled proptech heavyweights to form an advisory panel for the venture capitalist and its portfolio of companies across Europe.

The panel of five experts will provide strategic advice on issues including tech, sustainability, wellbeing, development and asset management for the Pi Labs team and its portfolio.

The panel comprises:

  • Jonathan Emery, managing director of property, Europe at Lendlease
  • Jon Lurie, managing partner at Realty Corporation and senior adviser to the real estate and tech department at McKinsey & Company
  • Victoria Hill, founder and director of people development specialist Promind Capital, who has also held senior director positions at Royal Bank of Scotland and CBRE
  • Jimmy Jia, founder and managing partner at sustainability and climate finance consulting firm Jia Group and board member of the Centre for Sustainable Energy
  • Barrie Heponstall, an angel investor who has a portfolio of 60 tech start-ups including unicorn Calm.

Realty Corporation has also been confirmed as the VC’s new equity partner.

Faisal Butt, chief executive and Founder of Pi Labs, said: “As Pi Labs continues to grow, help our businesses grow, and identify new investment opportunities, our venture partners will provide another layer of best-in-class expertise and strategic advice.

“We look forward to working alongside this expert team as we continue to invest in the leading proptech start-ups across Europe and scale up the knowledge, connectivity, and value of our ecosystem for all of our stakeholders.”


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