Peel unveils £4.5bn waterfront PRS plans

Chatham-Waters-CGI-Night-THUMB.jpegMIPIM 2016: Peel Land and Property has today announced plans to deliver more than 30,000 homes across its Strategic Waters sites, which could have a total investment value of £4.5bn over the next 30 years.

Peel is seeking institutional and residential development partners to help deliver a mix of medium and high-rise apartments as well as townhouses over its seven Strategic Waters sites in Manchester, Liverpool, Chatham, Glasgow, Wirral, Trafford and MediaCityUK.

These Strategic Waters sites benefit from either planning consent or approved regeneration masterplans. The portfolio of homes is made up of 23,500 within the Mersey Waters Enterprise Zone (Wirral and Liverpool)  and 7,000 new homes in Greater Manchester at MediaCityUK, Trafford Waters and Manchester Waters. Glasgow Harbour has approval for up to 1,400 dwellings, while Chatham Waters in Kent has outline approval for 1,000 units on the River Medway.

Peel’s vision is to regenerate these former industrial sites on dockland, canal and river banks into attractive and sustainable waterfront living locations that will bring new infrastructure, public realm and environmental improvements. These mixed-use schemes will also feature commercial, retail, educational and leisure opportunities.

Director of residential development Neil Baumber said: “This is all about regenerating urban areas, where there is a shortage of housing, into attractive waterfront locations where young professionals, families and key workers can live. These units will be a mixture of tenure from institutional and individual PRS to open-market sale.”

Group development director James Whittaker added: “Scale is attractive to the larger institutions and developers and we can deliver that. The fact these schemes are by water, adds value, it is where people can live, work and socialise.”

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