Peabody and Mount Anvil join forces on stalled Hammersmith site

Peabody and Mount Anvil have entered a joint venture to develop a long-stalled council site at Watermeadow Court, SW6.

The pair stepped in after the council’s development partner Stanhope withdrew from the scheme last year, after years of delays.

Hammersmith & Fulham and Stanhope agreed the 15-year partnership in 2013. The 50:50 jv, called HFS Developments, was intended to develop a handful of sites, with Watermeadow Court earmarked as one of the first.

The 1.3-acre site was granted planning consent in 2019 for 218 new homes, of which 36 would have been affordable.

Peabody and Mount Anvil will submit revised plans for a scheme in excess of £100m in value, which will see the affordable provision lifted to 50% of homes. The plans follow commitments from Mount Anvil at Edith Summerskill House, which was also part of HBS Developments’ pipeline.

Dick Mortimer, director of development and sales at Peabody, said: “Our affordable homes at Watermeadow Court will continue a legacy of inclusive places designed for all to use, promoting equality, diversity and social cohesion through mixed and balanced communities and tenure-blind design.”

Killian Hurley, chief executive of Mount Anvil, added: “We believe public and private partnerships achieve the best results for Londoners – which is why w are committed to delivering 50% affordable housing across our developments and have the support of a pioneering financial partnership with the GLA to do so.”

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