BoE rate-setter warns more hikes may be needed Catherine Mann says bank must act "more forcefully now"
Banking hubs to open as branch closures continue Initiative to help communities in which people have lost ways to withdraw and deposit cash
Belfast Harbour logistics hub given green light The 50,000 sq ft hub represents a £9m investment from the port authority
MORNING NEWS: Office landlords cut back on rent-free incentives Plus sterling’s slump, Goldman heads back to the office and more in your morning round-up
Vita Group expands into Northern Irish PBSA market The developer has begun work on its first purpose-built student accommodation in Northern Ireland
Former Belfast BHS to become retail and leisure scheme The 70,000 sq ft store has been empty for nearly five years
Australian pension giant eyes US and UK with £7bn investment pot AustralianSuper plans to increase its allocation to private equity to 7% by 2024
Food and beverage operators bridge the Gap Around four-fifths of Gap’s store estate remains unoccupied
Have your say: How inclusive is real estate for the LGBTQ+ community? Take part in EG's annual LGBTQ+ Attitudes & Actions in Real Estate Survey
Manchester retains crown as leading tech location outside London CBRE’s UK Tech Cities Report also names Birmingham and Glasgow as top tech spots in the UK