Maslow Capital provides £114m loan for London PBSA schemes YourTribe projects will offer 638 student beds and 10,600 sq ft of commercial space
Amro submits plans for 500 homes in Sutton The Press Works will occupy the former Quadrant House office
MIPIM: City Hall’s role in tackling affordable housing in London Housing Matters panel addresses the problems faced in affordable housing investment
London mayor pitches capital to global investors at MIPIM Sadiq Khan told delegates there had never been a better time to invest
Barings and LBS near brace of leases at Tide The completion of the deals would take the building to 50% let
M&G to acquire £30m East Village site from Get Living The site has planning permission for 504 student beds
Beltane gets nod for West End office retrofit The asset manager acquired the building in September last year
Mayor of London and Opportunity London launch £22bn investment prospectus The prospectus doubles the value of investment opportunities available and offers nine new projects
Property players prepare for London’s innovation ambitions Developers of specialist clusters react to the proposed growth plan
Royal London’s Shaftesbury Avenue office retrofit approved Retrofit-led extension will provide 55,000 sq ft of West End office space