APC Series: Taking the right route We chart the various different journeys candidates can take to become a chartered surveyor
APC Series: Calderbank offers APC candidates declaring a level 3 competency in landlord and tenant advice need to get to grips…
APC Series: Tools of the trade Jen Lemen looks at the essential tools a surveyor might need for their work
APC Series: IPMS – getting the measure of all things A look at the new International Property Measurement Standards
APC Series: Constructing your inspection competency Jen Lemen takes a look at what candidates need to know about construction types and methods for the …
APC Series: Property debt financing 101 Jen Lemen outlines what APC students should know about debt, mortgages, interest rates and more
APC Series: How to get over nervousness and anxiety before an interview Rachel Saint and Jen Lemen take a look at one of the main obstacles to APC success