Starling spreads its wings in Cardiff’s Brunel House Digital bank takes an extra 14,445 sq ft in landmark office
Development bank unlocks north Wales housing Edwards Homes has secured more than £14m to deliver 141 homes in Connah's Quay
Cardiff office market ‘polarising at pace’, says Knight Frank Prime rents have risen for the first time since 2016
Shawbrook supports Urban Centric’s Cardiff co-living scheme The bank is providing a £23.8m loan for the development of Wales’s first co-living scheme
Lloyds Living PRS on the Rise in Cardiff Firm has acquired a 272-home scheme on Guildford Crescent in the Welsh capital
Hollywood stars buy Welsh brewery Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney add Wrexham Larger Beer Co to growing portfolio
Aim high: why landlords should be targeting the highest EPC bands now Those landlords with space up for EPC renewal should be looking to future-proof their buildings
Masterplan submitted for Cardiff Peninsula regeneration The project will see more than 1,000 homes developed around Cardiff's sports stadium