Overseas retail investment quadruples

MIPIM 2016: The level of overseas investment into UK shopping centres increased by more than 200% last year to reach £864m.

More than a fifth of the £3.8bn of investment into the sector in the year ended December 2015 came from overseas, according to EGi figures. UK investors accounted for 66.6% of investment, 0r £2.5bn.

The majority of overseas money was spent on London retail with Ginko Tree Investment’s £190m purchase of the Bentall Centre in Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, leading the way. The North West and Scotland followed.

European buyers were the most active of the overseas investors last year, making up more than 56% of all deals. They spent some £487m last year. Asian buyers splashed £190m on UK shopping centres in 2015, with North American investors spending £187m.

While investment from international players has increased it is still some way off its peak of more than £1bn in 2012.

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