I don’t know about you, but I’ll admit that I’m starting to struggle with lockdown. And I am one of the lucky ones. But I do feel a bit lost. I miss the physical interactions with my friends and colleagues. Even with the boss.
I continue to be heartened by responses to these hardships, however – even mine, which is minute. After tweeting last week that I had struggled, the responses from people on and offline with shared emotions, offers of support, etc was overwhelming, so thank you.
I really hope this behaviour sticks once all this is over. I hope we remember how being forced to be distant brought us closer. How having so many of the things we take for granted removed from us, has prompted us to share. How a sense of community, of respect, compassion and kindness has been nurtured.
At EG we’ve talked a lot about how real estate has the opportunity to change its reputation. Back in January, we set out our ambition for the year. It was a big ambition, and truth be told, I wasn’t sure that we’d be able to deliver on it. Now I’m almost certain we will.
We said EG would prove to the world that real estate is a superhero industry that has a positive impact, creates jobs, and delivers places where everyone can live, work and play in a healthy and sustainable way. That it is a professional industry, attracting the best people from all backgrounds. That it boosts the economy – even if government, as our conversation with industry leaders on p14 shows, has yet to grasp the fact that real estate possesses the powers to rescue us.
We said we would prove that real estate provides and gives back to people and the planet (see p30-47 for proof). That it would be an industry that is proud, an industry of which the world is proud.
At no other time has it been more important to stand by this resolution, or been more important to look for those individuals and businesses which, in spite of the impact that Covid-19 has had on our lives, livelihoods and the economy at large, have stepped up, given back, and have sacrificed so that others can have.
This is why I’m really proud to be introducing a new category to this year’s EG Awards. An award that recognises an individual, group, company, or body that has demonstrated superhero-like qualities during the coronavirus pandemic.
Stan Lee defines a superhero as a person who does heroic deeds and has the ability to do them in a way that a normal person couldn’t. He said that to be a superhero, you need a power that is more exceptional than any power a normal human being could possess and to use it to accomplish good deeds.
So, while you might not possess superhuman strength or speed or be able to fly – or look particularly good in Lycra – I know you know what good looks like. And I know many of you have done exceptional things to help those who really needed it, regardless of the impact that it might have had on you.
I know that there are superheroes in real estate and we at EG want to celebrate that. If you are that person or business, or if you know who they are, we want you to enter our new and very special EG Superhero Award. It might even come with its own cape.
Keep your eyes on www.egi.co.uk/eg-awards-2020 for details very soon.
To send feedback, e-mail samantha.mcclary@egi.co.uk or tweet @samanthamcclary or @estatesgazette