NEWS ROUND-UP: London office market shows its resilience

EG brings you a few highlights from yesterday’s news, in case you missed the daily round-up

OFFICES: London market remains stable in face of uncertainty

EG’s LOMA Q3 analysis reveals little movement in take-up, rents and construction, but there is a new name at the top of the agents’ league table.

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RETAIL: Government proposals potentially a watershed moment

But retail guru Bill Grimsey isn’t getting carried away just yet, though: the devil will be in the detail.

Read his response to the Budget

REGIONS: Channel 4 picks new national HQ

Broadcaster announces result of seven-month search, along with locations of new creative hubs.

Find out which cities were successful

AUCTIONS: Is valuation an art or a science?

Andrew Wells, residential valuation partner at Allsop, on making real-time judgments on the market, on demand.

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