NEWS ROUND-UP: The city trialling innovations in office design

EG brings you a few highlights from yesterday’s news, in case you missed the daily round-up

OFFICES: The changing face of interior design

Ranked top for creative talent among 25 regional cities, Manchester is seeing an increase in innovative office designs – and not just from second-generation start-ups.

EG finds out who is also trialling innovations in office design in the city and how companies and their employees are benefiting from the new approach?

Explore the offices here and also find out why one of the featured companies refuses to use the term ‘hot-desk’

INVESTMENT: Global wealth report – what you need to know

Private investors are dominating commercial property market deals and as Knight Frank releases its 2018 Global Wealth Report, EG brings you the five things you need to know from the findings.

Find out which sector attracted the most high-wealth transactions, which continent is the world’s largest wealth region, who tops international investment demand and more

Q&A: ‘The property industry needs to listen to the younger generation’

After shooting to fame with her TED Talk “What adults can learn from kids”, writer, public speaker and activist Adora Svitak now has a message for real estate.

EG caught up with Svitak ahead of her speech at MIPIM’s opening conference to find out more about her views on the property sector.

Read about Svitak’s views on topics including getting urban innovation right, her insights into design and how tech will affect urban development

PODCAST: NPPF changes – how will it affect the property industry?

EG invited four experts of the planning world to give a simplified view of what was in the revised National Planning Policy Framework, and what the industry needs to know.

Find out more about the changes, reaction to the news and listen to the podcast to hear what the experts are saying