Mayor launches new supplementary planning guidance

Eddie Lister

Edward-Lister-THUMB.jpegMIPIM 2016: Deputy mayor for planning Sir Edward Lister has launched new guidance for private rental developments in London.

The guidelines, which will be included in the city’s Supplementary Planning Guidance, will offer increased clarity to both developers and local authorities about how rental schemes should be dealt with in planning.

Lister said that for too long local authorities have looked on private rental developments as the same as build for sale.

“This [guidance] is to enable us to bring more rented development forward,” he said.

Guidance is being issued to steer viability discussion, rental covenants and affordable housing commitments.

He made the announcements in a session looking at mayor Boris Johnson’s track record.

Between 2009 and 2014, he said jobs had increased by 14%, the population by 8%, but the number of houses by just 4%.

However, he said the mayor had brought forward 100,000 homes, released all land under city hall ownership, was encouraging the release of more land from other bodies, and had created 31 housing zones. 

Click the podcast above to hear the full interview.

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