Manchester and Liverpool leaders present northern powerhouse priorities

Cyber_vision_generic_THUMB.jpegMIPIM 2016: Manchester and Liverpool civic leaders have set out their priorities for the northern powerhouse to record delegations from both cities.

Manchester City Council chief executive Sir Howard Bernstein said boosting productivity in the Northern cities was key, an argument which he felt had been neglected by central government.

He said: “During the summer Budget of last year, productivity was a major discussion point. Now it seems to have disappeared.”

He added: “The question we must ask about the northern powerhouse is, how do you actually focus on sectors of global distinctiveness – life sciences, and advanced technology – that enable us to drive up partnership and skills?”

On a European level, he said it was important to articulate clearly what the northern powerhouse means.

“There is a level of misunderstanding. It is important that we communicate a concise analysis about what it is, and what it isn’t.

Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said his priorities for the northern powerhouse were devolution, investment and transport.

“Giving us the ability to do more ourselves – that’s what the private sector wants, that’s what we want.”

He said he was expecting more cuts to be announced in this week’s Budget but said devolution created more opportunities to work with the private sector and attract investment.

Asked whether Liverpool waterfront’s UNESCO heritage status was deterring investors, he said the city needed to get a clear message out that Liverpool is open to investment.

“Three hundred years’ ago the Three Graces were a new development and now they make up the UNESCO heritage site. So we need to present a clear message to say we are open to investment.”

On transport, he said he would have preferred HS3 to come before HS2.

“If we connect with not just Manchester but all the way through to the east coast, including Newcastle and Nottingham, those cities can work together in a pan-Northern way to bring prosperity to all of the North,” he said.

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