Lord Heseltine to lead Thames Estuary 2050 Growth Commission

Heseltine-THUMB.jpegBUDGET 2016: Lord Heseltine will lead the Thames Estuary 2050 Growth Commission, which will develop an ambitious vision and delivery plan for the area.

Chancellor George Osborne confirmed the appointment in his Budget speech today at the House of Commons.

He said: “Michael Heseltine has accepted my invitation to lead a Thames Estuary Growth Commission and he will report to me with its ideas next year.”

Lord Heseltine will use the next 12 months to develop proposals for the area which comprises north Kent, south Essex and east London up to 2050.

This vision will focus on supporting the development of high productivity clusters in specific locations. It will examine how the area can develop, attract and retain skilled workers. It will also look at how to make the most of opportunities from planned infrastructure such as the Lower Thames Crossing.

The commission will report back at Autumn Statement 2017 with a clear and affordable delivery plan for achieving this vision.

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