Looking ahead to a prosperous and transformative 2022

EDITOR’S COMMENT As we close 2021 with the final edition of EG (digital this week, but back in print on 8 January), I wanted to use the opportunity I get through this leader every week to say a big and heartfelt thank you to everyone who engages with EG.

Whether you are an avid reader of our news and analysis, a friendly and very helpful voice at the end of a phone, whether you are one of our partners across the many wonderful events we produce every year, or one of the users of any of our other suites of products from Radius to Propertylink, thank you.

Thank you for making this wonderful world of real estate go round, for giving us plenty to write about – the good, the bad and the ugly – and for supporting the EG business in the multitude of ways that you do.

This year has undoubtedly been another year of ups and downs for many – personally and professionally. But we have – or at least we were – starting to see things bounce back. There was lots of positivity coming out of the big REITs, with demand for the right space clearly in evidence and a renewed sense of hunger and ambition in the capital markets.

With omicron now threatening to deliver what looks like a lockdown in all but name, it would be easy to finish out the year feeling concerned about the future. But there will be none of that here.

When I look to 2022, I am filled with hope and excitement.

We have big plans in store at EG to bring you even more of what you need to succeed in the business of real estate, from in-depth content on the biggest trends, the most interesting players and insight on where to find the best opportunities, to a return (omicron-dependent) to in-person events as a norm, to networking, learning and celebrating the very best that real estate has to offer, and to providing more and better products that enable you to continue to deliver in an increasingly digitised and sustainability-focused world.

These are reasons to be cheerful for 2022.

And while this may be your final “edition” of EG for the year, we’ll still have a sprinkling of stories for you every day on the website, including some excellent reviews of the year from our stellar team of reporters.

The PM alert, which I know you all love, will be switched off from 20 December until 4 January but you will still receive the AM alert up until 24 December, so you can stay up to date with all the latest news and views from the sector.

From all at EG, best wishes for the festive period and the remainder of 2021 and we look forward to a prosperous and transformative 2022.


To send feedback, e-mail samantha.mcclary@eg.co.uk or tweet @samanthamcclary or @EGPropertyNews