Last chance to have your say

EG’s survey on race diversity in the real estate sector closes tomorrow (20 August) and we need more of your thoughts and experiences to help us understand the experiences of minority ethnic individuals in the real estate sector.

Take part in the survey >>

At EG, we are committed to making sure we are properly and powerfully using our voice and position in the industry to stamp out racism and help create a truly inclusive sector.

The results of this survey will aid us in our work to help support change in the sector, and to use our voice to call out unacceptable behaviours. All responses are confidential, although respondents do have the option to share their thoughts and experiences publicly should they wish to.

Last year’s report made for shocking, yet sadly unsurprising, reading: racism clearly exists within the sector.

One year on, we are keen to see if improvements are being made – or whether the sector is slipping backwards.

As well as enabling us to build a picture of the real estate sector and to formulate plans for improvement, the results of this survey will also inform EG’s own policies to make sure it is reflecting the real estate sector as it should be.

To get involved, take part here.

* The term BAME is used in the survey. EG acknowledges that BAME is not the best or most inclusive term and apologises for any offense or upset caused by its use. Our survey offers space to discuss terminology and its use.

Photo by Gerd Altmann/Pixabay