Is there a solution to Cambridge’s affordability problem?

LISTEN: In this episode of the EG Property Podcast, recorded as part of our Future of Cambridge event, EG editor Samantha McClary talks to Mark Shirburne-Davies, a director of House by Urban Splash and the man in charge of delivering more than 400 homes in Northstowe.

The conversation covers a range of topics including the potential solutions to Cambridge’s ever growing affordability issues, design and beauty, sustainability, Cambridge as an engine for wider regional growth and how robots could and perhaps should (and in the case of MMC factories, do) play a role in the delivery of housing.

The interview was conducted as a live broadcast interview over Twitter so while the audio may not quite as clear as you have come to expect form a studio-recorded EG Property Podcast, the content is mostly definitely of the high standard you demand from the team at EG.

To access all of our content from the EG Future of Cambridge event head to

To send feedback, e-mail or tweet @samanthamcclary or @estatesgazette.

Photo by Andrew Sharpe Rex Shutterstock