NEWS ROUND-UP: Hong Kong investor reveals plans for 1.2m sq ft City tower

EG brings you a few highlights from yesterday’s news, in case you missed the daily round-up

EXCLUSIVE: Plans for City Tower at 100 Leadenhall, EC3

A Hong Kong conglomerate founded by the late textiles magnate Lim Por-yen is preparing to submit plans for a new 1.2m sq ft City tower at 100 Leadenhall Street, EC3.

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BREAKING NEWS: LSH plots spin out and GVA merger

Lambert Smith Hampton is nearing a deal to spin out of Countrywide and is plotting a merger with GVA.

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APC SERIES: 20 ways supervisors can aid the case study process

There is a part of the final submission documentation which needs a huge amount of effort to get 100% correct – the case study.

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DATA: The developers jumping on the microbrewery bandwagon

Craft beer, fixed-wheel bikes, beards and flat whites. All have become a byword for hipsters in recent years. Gentrifiers drawn to working-class, inner-city areas close to jobs that didn’t even exist 10-15 years ago.

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SURVEY: Demand exists for high street retail

When Simple Minds sang Don’t you forget about me, chances are they were not singing from the perspective of UK high streets. But they could have been. Despite their presence across the country, high streets seem to be a blip outside many retailers’ radars, which tend to be directed at shopping centres, retail parks and online shopping. Does that mean there is a gap in the market?

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