How to inspire a sector in nine 10-minute talks

Could you stand on stage in front of hundreds of people, with no notes, no podium to hide behind or Powerpoint presentation to guide you and deliver a 10-minute Ted-style talk that moves people to tears, laughter and action?

You can if you are an EG Future Female Leader and that is exactly what our nine phenomenal women from across the real estate sector did on 6 October at Church House in Westminster, SW1.

To a packed room, with a little help from Ginger Public Speaking, the FFLs inspired, motivated and entertained. Talks ranged from understanding the power of pressure and harnessing the potential of being uncomfortable, to the importance of inspiring the next generation, to being proud, to being inclusive, to building with not for and to being human, unapologetically so.

It was a night to be remembered and one that can be relived below.

Katie Jacobson | Why a lobster should never take Valium

Sarah Bissessar | One size doesn’t fit all

Natasha Trathen | Why we should all be impact investors

Suzan Ucmaklioglu | Separate is not equal

Lucy Whitfield | Fuel your passion


Zoe Sharpe | A golden opportunity knocks for construction

Nicola Rochfort | Voice, opportunity, power


Davina Clowes | A hybrid crossroad

Amanda Lim | Man up! No thanks!

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Photographs © Ed Telling