How to attract investment to the northern powerhouse

New-Victoria-Manchester-MIPIM UK 2015: Political and business leaders from across the northern powerhouse have gathered to discuss the challenge of attracting private investment in the region.

Speaking with one northern voice, securing government infrastructure investment, having a clear economic narrative to pitch to investors and tackling the skills agenda were all put forward as strategies.

“It’s not just about redistributing from the South but building a Northern economy,” said Nicola Rigby, director at Bilfinger GVA, who chaired the panel.

Speakers included Ged Fitzgerald, chief executive of Liverpool city council; Sir Howard Bernstein, chief executive of Manchester city council; Pat Ritchie, chief executive of Newcastle city council; Roger Marsh OBE, chair of Leeds City Region LEP; and Diana Terris, chief executive of Barnsley metropolitan borough council.

The panel agreed that the northern powerhouse needed to be international in its perspective in order to achieve its economic potential.

Roger Marsh said the region should learn from the Victorians about having a clear vision of its future that could be achieved with the support of foreign investors.

The northern powerhouse already has a strong international brand, Pat Ritchie said, but now it needs to follow through with a long-term economic plan.

Ritchie said: “It is about cities but it’s also about cities in their regions.” She went on to highlight the need to promote the North’s manufacturing and exporting sectors.

Challenges the panel expected to face were the outcome of the government’s spending review settlement, support of the national media and the sustainability of the North as a longer-term investment opportunity.

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