Help promote the Covid app, BPF urges real estate

The British Property Federation is urging the real estate industry to help to promote the use of NHS’s Covid-19 app.

The app, launched in England and Wales this week, allows users to find out when they have been near other users who have tested positive for coronavirus, as well as alerting them if their postcode has a high level of the virus. It also allows users to check in at venues using a QR code and discover if they may have come into contact with the virus while there.

The BPF said the real estate industry has a “unique” opportunity to promote the use of the app across its assets.

“The BPF’s members, the developers and managers of the sorts of places where people meet and socialise, including shopping centres and office buildings, are committed to supporting the roll-out of the NHS Covid-19 app,” said Melanie Leech, BPF chief executive.

“We, however, urge all property businesses to join us in this commitment – as stewards of places and buildings across the UK, our industry is well-placed to drive momentum behind the uptake of this app. The app’s effectiveness will depend on businesses and people embedding its use in their daily lives, particularly at locations where people meet.”

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