Healthcare sector needs new ideas

Medical-THUMB.jpegMIPIM 2016: Healthcare property will continue to be an attractive investment if innovation and new technology help to manage a global ageing population.

Steve Grobert, investor relations officer at European healthcare provider ORPEA, said that with a growing and ageing population, new ideas in the sector will be crucial to its survival as a strong-performing alternative at the future of healthcare investment debate at MIPIM today.

He said: “We need innovation in the healthcare sector or the pots of cash will run out.”

Tim Edghill, head of EMEA healthcare and alternatives M&A at JLL Corporate Finance, added that on top of new medical technology, hospital and healthcare management and better provision of care homes, patients needed to take responsibility for their own health.

He said: “Healthcare spending has to increase. Preventative medicine and well being should help. But lifestyle is a choice and patients also have to take responsibility to choose a healthy one if we want a successful healthcare system that can manage volume and growing demand.”

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