Have your say: How inclusive is real estate for the LGBTQ+ community?

This is your last chance to have your say on EG’s annual LGBTQ+ Attitudes & Actions in Real Estate Survey. The survey, which aims to understand more about the progress (or lack thereof) the industry is making in its inclusivity quest, closes on 25 March.

The survey, now in its fourth year, is open to all people working in the UK built environment sector.

While the survey is predominantly seeking the opinions and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community, it is open to everyone, regardless of sexuality.

All opinions and experiences of LGBTQ+ inclusivity (or exclusivity) will help form a robust view of the industry today.

All survey responses are treated as confidential unless participants state otherwise.

Results from the survey will be used to help highlight best practice in the sector – shining a light on those firms that are working hard on making the sector a more inclusive place – and will lay bare the true experiences of the LGBTQ+ community in real estate.

EG will endeavour to utilise the results of the survey to help guide the sector as it continues to make progress on its equality, diversity and inclusion journey.

Results of the survey will be published online on 19 April and in the 22 April issue of EG magazine.

Click here, or scan the QR code below, to take part:


To send feedback, e-mail samantha.mcclary@eg.co.uk or tweet @samanthamcclary or @EGPropertyNews