Green REIT profit slows

Green REIT’s profits have slowed as capital values level off in Ireland, its latest six months results have shown.

The Irish property investment company’s profits fell from £58m over the six months to 31 December 2014, to £52.4m over the same period last year.

Capital values grew by 6.8% between June and December 2015, compared to 9.7% over the previous six month period.

Across its £800m portfolio, rental income increased by 50% year-on-year on its 100%-owned properties, growing from £12.6m to £18.9m.

Green REIT’s development programme includes four sites in Dublin, including One Molesworth Street, 32 Molesworth Street, Horizon Logistics Park and a 150,000 sq ft shed in Central Park.

Green REIT chairman Gary Kennedy said: “The execution of our investment strategy continues to deliver shareholder returns. The company has secure income, prime assets, a strong balance sheet and a proven management team.

“The board is confident that the continued implementation of our asset management and development strategy, against the favourable backdrop of a strong commercial property market and supportive Irish macroeconomic fundamentals, will deliver further shareholder returns in line with our target.

“We look forward to the year ahead with confidence.”

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