Greater Birmingham to build 45,000 homes in garden city 

construction-site-generic-THUMB.jpegMIPIM 2016: Greater Birmingham has outlined its plans to build more than 45,000 homes across development sites as part of the Black Country Garden City.

Dr Christopher Handy OBE, of Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership, said by 2033 the Black Country will have increased the number of jobs to 545,000 and  will have created an additional 1,500 new businesses each year. 

Chancellor George Osborne is expected to announce scaled back ambitions for garden cities during his budget tomorrow. 

Handy said he was not “too worried” because he beleived the scheme would draw significant interest from the private sector.

However, he said they were reliant on government funding to prepare the various sites for development. 

He said strong leadership was the key to greater economic growth in Greater Birmingham, and that was the reason why Greater Manchester had recently seen greater investment.

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