Foreign office minister pinches housing brief

Christopher Pincher has replaced Esther McVey as the new housing minster.

Pincher was Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office until his appointment today. Prior to the Foreign Office, he was deputy chief whip and treasurer of HM Household. He was first elected as an MP (for Tamworth) in May 2010.

In a tweet, Pincher said he was “delighted to be appointed as the Minister of State for Housing”, but was “sad to be leaving a great team at the Foreign Office”.

“This Government will deliver on our commitment to build the housing that people need,” he said, adding that he was looking forward to “getting stuck in” alongside Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government Robert Jenrick.

Pincher will be the 11th housing minister to serve in the last 10 years and 7th since the EU Referendum vote in June 2016.


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