EG Property Podcasts: This week’s agenda of EG audio intelligence

If you enjoy listening to EG’s journalists as much as you enjoy reading their words, then you’re probably already a regular listener to the EG Property Podcast.

This year, EG is focused on bringing you even more content on our podcast channel, not just as another step on our journey to become a more inclusive provider of news and intelligence to the real estate sector, but to bring you a different form of content to enjoy during these still tough and strange times.

Monday: EG legal editor Sarah Jackman is back with Bricks & Mortar and in this week’s episode is talking to Hollis’ John Woodman about why people, communities and partnerships are at the heart of the firm’s five-year CSR strategy.

Tuesday: The latest episode of TechTalk Radio shares some exclusive smart news.

Thursday: A double podcast day. On Earth Day, EG’s Damian Wild finds out how JLL’s Guy Grainger is settling into his new sustainability role at the agent. And EG editor Samantha McClary heads, virtually, to Dublin as part of our Future of series.

Sunday: The only way to round off a week is by downloading the EG Like Sunday Morning podcast and listening in to the EG team nattering about what has kept them busy over the past seven days.

The EG Property Podcast is available on all your favourite property podcast players or accessible right here.


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Photo by Tommy Lopez from Pexels