East Midlands launches Boots enterprise zone

MIPIM 2016: The Boots enterprise zone, one of the most significant regeneration zones in the East Midlands, is officially being launched at MIPIM.

The site has the potential for a major mixed-used development, with 27 acres earmarked for residential use and 50.6 acres for commercial use, where a “health and wellbeing cluster” is planned.

It is part of the Nottingham Enterprise Zone and won consent for 900,000 sq ft of commercial space and 675 homes in December 2014.

The site was first launched for sale at MIPIM last year.

Sites will be available from mid-2016 and will be offered from approximately 0.75 acres to 11.3 acres in size, though some may be combined.

Tim Garratt, managing director at Innes England, which is advising Boots, said: “This site is hugely important for the regeneration and growth of Nottingham and one of the most significant to come to market for a number of years.

“In recognition of its importance regionally, we want to ensure that it is used to create a legacy for the city so will be looking to create a health, beauty and wellbeing-led mixed use ‘urban village’ with a mix of commercial and residential development.

The Boots enterprise zone was one of the first ‘new’ EZ’s to be announced by prime minister David Cameron at the site in 2012.

Funding partners for the development of the enterprise zone include D2N2, the Local Enterprise Partnership, Nottingham City Council and the Department for Communities and Local Government.

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