Double whammy West End win for Almacantar


More than 90 minutes of deliberation at a Westminster city council meeting last night resulted in Almacantar winning approval for a significant redevelopment of Marble Arch Tower, W1.

Mike Hussey’s Almacantar was given approval for two applications. The largest was for a Rafael Viñoly-designed proposal for a 17-storey, 53-flat tower at the corner of Oxford Street and Edgware Road.

The scheme will replace the existing 24-storey West End block constructed in 1967. A seven-storey block is also included with 123,000 sq ft of offices, 36,000 sq ft of retail space, public art works, and a new 39,000 sq ft Odeon cinema.

To satisfy the borough’s affordable housing requirements another application was approved, comprising a Terry Farrell & Partners-designed scheme for 76 flats, including 47 affordable, at 466-490 Edgware Road, W2.

The development will also see the reinstatement of the disused petrol station, marking the first new petrol station in London for over 10 years.

Kathrin Hersel, development director of Almacantar, said: “This development will create two timeless, beautiful buildings which will become a new landmark for the West End. Our plans will deliver world-class residential, retail and office space in a prestigious setting overlooking the finest of the Royal Parks.”

Construction on Marble Arch Tower is expected to start in 2015, with completion of the scheme, as well as the Edgware Road project, in 2018.

Gerald Eve advised on planning.