DisplayLink searches for Cambridge office space

Semiconductor and software company DisplayLink has put out a search for up to 25,000 sq ft of Cambridge office space.

This would double the company’s footprint in the city, where it currently occupies 12,000 sq ft at Mount Pleasant House.

The company’s current Cambridge premises are set to be redeveloped by its owner, Howard Group, who bought the building in December last year for £10.7m. Palo Alto-based DisplayLink also needs a larger space in order to accommodate UK growth plans, according to a source close to the company.

Carter Jonas has been appointed as agent.

Office space is at a premium in the university city thanks to high demand and a dearth of new development. There is only 20,000 sq ft of vacant office space  in the Hills Road and Station Road area, and 75,000 sq ft in the ‘Northern Cluster’, according to November data from Savills.
