Deal hat-trick pushes Darby Keye up EG’s West Midlands industrial rankings

Darby Keye has moved up from third place to second in EG’s leaderboard of the most active agents in the West Midlands industrial market following a trio of recent deals.

The highlight of the transactions was a 36,288 sq ft letting at Unit 1, Saltley Business Park on Dorset Road in Washwood Heath, in the suburbs of Birmingham (pictured). The deal saw Presslite take the space from landlord the Secretary of State for Transport on a fully repairing and insuring lease at a rent of £3.96 per sq ft, equating to £143,550 per annum.

CBRE leads the way in the West Midlands industrial market, having acted on 884,003 sq ft of lettings and occupational sales. Darby Keye sits on 605,174 sq ft of deals, with the top five being completed by Bromwich Hardy on 523,916 sq ft, JLL on 430,795 sq ft and Colliers International on 392,732 sq ft.

The deal was revealed by the EG Radius On-Demand Rankings, a new tool to provide a snapshot view of the latest commercial property deals and which agents are landing them across the UK.

Powered by data from the 200-plus agents signed up to EG Radius, the rankings mean you no longer have to wait for monthly or quarterly league tables to see how companies, cities and sectors are performing. Click here to try them yourself.

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