Cushman rockets up Cardiff ranks

Cushman & Wakefield has rocketed into the top ranks of the Cardiff office agents league table, riding on a wave of buoyant office lettings in the Welsh capital, according to EGi’s Cardiff office league table.

Boosted by a 146,000 sq ft letting to the BBC at Central Square, the national agent, which merged with DTZ last year, rose from seventh place last year to second this year. The BBC deal was the largest of 2015, three times the size of the second biggest deal, a 52,000 sq ft letting to Public Health Wales at 2 Capital Quarter by Knight Frank and Fletcher Morgan.

Knight Frank was the overall winner, seizing the top spot for a second year running, helped by a 41,000 sq ft letting at 6 Park Street to Deloitte by Knight Frank and Fletcher Morgan, the biggest deal in H1.

Fletcher Morgan and Savills traded places at third and fourth respectively, while Cooke & Arkwright dropped three places to fifth and Emanuel Jones slipped down to ninth from fifth. Both companies were significantly down on the amount of office space they disposed of in 2014.

Overall, take-up rose by 13% year-on-year, with more than 747,000 sq ft of office space signed for in 2015.

Click on the play button below to see a time lapse of every deal including in our league table. Click on the deal circles to see details.
Scroll down for an interactive chart of the EGi Cardiff league table

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