Competition launch: Are you the next big thing?

MIPIM 2016: There are hundreds, if not thousands of shanti towns, slums, townships, barrios, favelas, whatever you want to call them, around the world that house millions of people.

These towns have their own, often successful, economies valued at billions of dollars. But they are also rife with disease, poor sanitation and crime. Pulling them down does not solve any problems so what can be done to turn these mass urban settlements into legitimate, sanitary, and productive new towns?

The challenge is yours.

After attempting to solve the problem of global over-population in 2015, Estates Gazette, with partner Cluttons, has set a new challenge – finding an alternative solution to demolition for the growing number of slums around the world.

The Next Big Thing competition is aimed at anybody who has an idea to help solve this very real issue. Ideas can be as creative and forward-thinking as you like, but the NBT panel of global judges will be looking for proposals that are viable as well as innovative and effective.

This worldwide competition is open to individuals from across the industry at any level. You could be a student with a proposal you weren’t sure how to pitch, a chief executive with a burning desire to solve a real human problem or someone already working on plans to improve but not destroy the makeshift urban settlements that are growing around the world.

Visit for details on how to enter.

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