City pitches: London, Manchester, Birmingham, Coventry and Wolverhampton

For UK cities to be engines of growth, opportunity, and prosperity, there can be no more business as usual. That’s why at the MIPIM conference in Cannes, EG gave some of the UK’s core cities a platform to showcase why their city is the place to invest and what the built environment is doing to help transform those cities.

In this live recording that took place in the EG Pavilion, EG editor Samantha McClary spoke to leaders from London, Manchester, and the West Midlands, who outline their vision for their city or region’s future and the ways in which they see public and private sectors coming together to shape that.

We hear from:

  • Eamonn Boylan, chief executive, GMCA
  • Roger Clarke, chief executive, IPSX
  • Richard Lawrence, director of regeneration, City of Wolverhampton Council

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