Charity and social: Northern Quarter takeover helps homeless

Capital & Centric and Kamani Property have set up a Covid-19 emergency supplies depot at their site in New Cross, Manchester. The unoccupied Northern Quarter building has been opened to regional businesses such as Vimto, Warburtons and Hut Group, which are supporting Greater Manchester’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged people.

The project is part of the Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity appeal to help the city’s homeless. Chaired by Tim Heatley, co-founder of Capital & Centric, the charity is working with hotels to provide temporary accommodation to people living on the streets who have nowhere to self-isolate.

For details, go to

Call on real estate to join 2.6 Challenge

The property industry is being asked to support UK charities as they expect to sustain losses of up to £4bn owing to the cancellation of thousands of fundraising events.

The organisers of the London Marathon have teamed up with supporters of other major UK events to create the 2.6 Challenge, a nationwide fundraising campaign to save the UK’s charities.

The initiative, launched on 26 April, needs the support of all UK industries in an effort to raise £67m for UK charities by the end of April.

The challenge invites participants to complete an activity of choice based on the number 2.6 or 26 and either fundraise or donate to their chosen charity – as long as it follows the government’s advice on exercise and social distancing. If you’re not sure which charity to support, why not help LandAid, the industry’s own, which is working to improve the lives of homeless children and young people in the UK.

Companies can support the 2.6 Challenge in the following ways:

  • Engage staff and customers through internal and external communication channels to drive awareness
  • Donate or become a media partner
  • Publicise its activities using #TwoPointSixChallenge
  • Consider match-funding employees’ own efforts.

For more ideas and resources of how you can bring the 2.6 Challenge to life, visit

Make visors, save lives: join YVA helping the NHS

The team at YVA Solicitors has been making medical visors while at home to help protect the NHS frontline staff at Northwick Park, Barnet General and The Royal Free, University College hospitals in London. Join the team by making your own visors, which can be dropped off at YVA’s head office for distribution.

For more information and YVA’s instructions on how to make medical visors, visit

Harris’s Property Gives Back Fund supports Barts

Harris Associates is asking the property industry to make a pledge to its Property Gives Back Fund for the NHS. The fundraising page will help NHS frontline workers risking their lives to help fight Covid-19. The money raised will support Barts charity and other related charities.

To donate go to

LandAid hands out £300k

The LandAid Covid-19 Emergency Fund has now distributed nearly £300,000 to more than 25 charities across the UK helping young homeless people. The money is being used to support young people experiencing mental health issues and food or fuel poverty, help with PPE equipment and much more.

Find out more at

Help for London hospitals

BNP Paribas has pledged £500,000 in support to the London-based NHS Imperial Health Charity’s Covid-19 Relief Fund. The money will help London hospitals cope with the pandemic. The hospitals benefiting include Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea, St Mary’s and Western Eye Hospital.