Chance to win Boodles diamond pendant in Property Race Day draw

Boodles has donated a £2,800 diamond pendant to Property Race Day’s Foundation 500 prize draw, as the charity event aims to hit its £100,000 target in the run-up to Christmas.

Anyone who has become a Foundation 500 Hero will be automatically entered into the prize draw, which will take place on Friday 18 December.

The Foundation 500 was set up to replace the charitable funds normally raised at the annual Ascot event, which was cancelled this year in light of the Covid crisis.

More than £50,000 has been donated so far, from nearly 100 Foundation Heroes from the world of property and racing.

All monies raised will be distributed to the five selected children’s charities – LandAid, WellChild, Trusts for African Schools, Dusty Yak and Chernobyl Children in Need – with an additional contribution made to the NHS via the Covid-19 Relief Fund.

James Amos, director of Boodles, which is a longstanding supporter of Property Race Day, said: “During this time of crisis for so many, I hope you are able to dig deep to support those who need our support right now.”

David Erwin, chairman of Property Race Day, said: “The initial response from both the real estate and racing communities was typical of our supporters’ generosity and the recent addition of such a wonderful prize from Boodles is a real bonus.

“It would be a great achievement to raise £100,000 under the current circumstance and we really hope those who have not yet contributed are able to do so before we close the appeal and turn our focus to PRD 2021. Our charities need our support more than ever.”

To make a donation or pledge, contact Tessa Champion from JSC Comms: / 0780 581 0146.

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