Cambridge favours soft Brexit

Cambridge’s tech and life science clusters, access to the talent pool of a top world university and collaborative atmosphere are all drivers for success.

But industry heavyweights speaking at Estates Gazette’s Cambridge Question Time event on 18 November said freedom of movement for people into the UK was crucial for harnessing the best minds to work in the city – something which Brexit had pushed into uncertainty.

William Jewson, development director at Howard Group, said Cambridge would prefer a soft Brexit because it relies on sharing knowledge and collaboration.

“But I am always optimistic, I am a property developer. I am constantly amazed at how Cambridge manages to solve its challenges,” he said.

Emily Orton, co-founder of cybersecurity firm Dark Trace, said: “Certainly it has more of an impact on business. We employ a number of people from the EU and we rely on world tech talent. We would like to see that situation secured for the future. We are very optimistic and have offices across Europe, so for us it is full steam ahead.”

Lord Lansley, chair of the Cambridge Development Forum, warned that while businesses prioritised attracting the brightest people into Cambridge, it would require “serious work”.

• Cambridge Question Time statistics: Click here to see the breakdown

“We are quite likely to end up without freedom of movement and a ‘visa for work’ system. We need to be able to attract globally, including European workers, otherwise it will be difficult to sustain the world leading characteristics, particularly in the research field that we have achieved.”

He added that the UK’s relationship with America would be critical and prime minister Theresa May must “show her hand” to her EU counterparts and protect principles such as formality-free opportunities to export.

“We don’t have basic information; for example, customs formalities on goods across Europe. If it is 5% it is a big deal. There must be a plan by March,” he said.

Key themes and statistics from Cambridge Question Time >> 

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