Call for former intu mall to be returned to nature

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has unveiled plans to replace the Broadmarsh shopping centre in Nottingham with natural green space.

The trust has worked with Influence Landscape Architects to reimagine the imposing grey urban jungle, which was owned by intu before the owning vehicle was placed into administration in June, as a natural space.

The vision for the centre, which is now controlled by the local council includes accessible walkways based on a centuries-old city street plan to reconnect key parts of the city.

The trust said the plans were part of an idea to reconnect the city to Sherwood Forest and “invoke the spirit of Robin Hood”. It believes that a statement natural green space in the heart of the city would build climate change resilience, improve connectivity for people, provide an attractive backdrop for existing businesses and draw in new investors.

It is calling on the community to back its proposals.

Chief executive Paul Wilkinson, said: “Transforming the Broadmarsh into a natural green space would bring people together and start putting the city’s nature into recovery at a time when natural green space has never been more valued or needed. It could also act as a springboard to securing investment in green growth and green infrastructure and deliver the long-term aspiration of reconnecting our city to the ancient Sherwood Forest landscape, and we are calling on people to back our vision.”

Since the site was handed back to the council in the summer, there has been much talk locally about the site’s future.

“By putting people and nature at the heart of plans for the Broadmarsh site, Nottingham City Council could grasp a once-in-a-generation opportunity to carve out a green future for the city centre,” said Wilkinson. “As well as signalling the city’s commitment to helping secure 30% of land across the UK for nature by 2030, this new vision would support Nottingham’s ambition to be the UK’s first carbon-neutral city, boost tourism and ensure that Nottingham stands out from the crowd as cities across the UK compete for investment to rebuild their economies after the impact of Covid-19.”

Influence Landscape Architects managing director Sara Boland said: “It has become critically important for people, especially city centre dwellers, to have positive, well designed and diverse easily accessible public open spaces to visit. It became apparent in the first lockdown that as more people sought enjoyment from outdoor spaces to provide regular exercise, our role in the provision of such spaces, and our understanding of the social and spatial implications of Covid-19 were only just being realised.

“Open space in cities is often formal, structured and in pockets, and this presented the opportunity for a completely unfettered and wild approach to a substantial space. A chance to make a fundamental difference and influence the landscape of our closest city Nottingham.

“Combine that with the fact that rewilding of urban spaces is now an identified and real opportunity in landscape design and that money is in short supply for extensive aftercare strategies of heavily designed landscapes, the opportunity to think outside the box presented itself in a unique way with this partnership approach to the unique space of Broadmarsh.”

The trust said Broadmarsh was the ideal site for Nottingham to demonstrate its commitment to its Wellbeing Design Guide, published by the council in January, by taking a truly nature-first approach.

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Images by Influence Landscape Architects