Brum launches new vision for a connected green city

Virtual event | 26 January | 09.30

WATCH Birmingham City Council has launched its Future City Plan, a new vision for the city, building on its Big City Plan of 2010 and aimed at turning it into the poster child for quality, sustainable development and placemaking.

Birmingham City Council leader Ian Ward said that Birmingham was “poised and ready to bounce back”.

“No other city is attempting to be this radical and ambitious on such a scale,” added Ward. “This plan sets out our vision for a fair, inclusive and green city.”

Simon Delahunty-Forrest, the council’s acting assistant director for development, said the city’s ambition for growth would be delivered through six key themes. Chief among them is a focus on equality and connectivity.

“Growth in our local economy must be green, sustainable and for the benefit of all,” said Delahunty-Forrest. “Physically growing the reach of the city centre beyond the ring road and out to the communities beyond is going to result in major new developments, and the communities in these areas need to feel the benefit of this investment.”

As part of its plan, Birmingham is keen to gather insight from private sector partners and local communities on projects that it hopes will turn Birmingham into a city of the future. These include looking at how it might be able to remodel the A38 as a ring of green spaces throughout the city, how it could rethink its retail core to encourage new businesses into the centre, and expanding Digbeth’s creative sector through the development of a major visitor destination.

Click here to find more about Birmingham’s Future City Plan and to have your say. Consultation on the plan is open until 26 March 2021.

Read more: Birmingham unveils its vision for the future